Persimmon Cake

Fall Persimmon Cake

Persimmons. They aren’t very popular in America, but everyone eats them in Japan. They are a popular fall-winter fruit. Here’s your fact of the day: the persimmon is Japan’s national fruit! If you’ve never seen one before, well, they kind of look like an orange tomato! But unlike a tomato, you have to peel them. And …

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Mini Chocolate Pie Bites

Mini Chocolate Pie Bites (inspired by Pie no mi)

Inspired by the Japanese snack Pie no mi, these bite sized treats are flaky, sweet, and filled with chocolate. Have you ever seen a Japanese snack called Pie No Mi ? They are yummy little bite sized “pies”. I really like them, but since they are imported, they are kind of expensive. Also, not all Asian …

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Chocolate Haupia Pie Recipe – Traditional Hawaiian Pudding With A Twist

Hawaiian Chocolate Haupia Pie

This Hawaiian Chocolate Haupia Pie recipe combines rich chocolate with creamy Hawaiian coconut pudding, to create a chocolate and coconut pie. Follow our easy recipe and impress your guests with this indulgent Hawaiian treat. Another Hawaiian dish. This time it’s dessert! Haupia is a traditional Hawaiian dessert that is basically like a coconut-y pudding-y jello-y… …

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Strawberry Curd

Strawberry Curd

I made this strawberry curd as soon as I found out you can make strawberry curd. I had a tub of strawberries in the fridge that needed to be used and I thought, hey, why not? I’m not a huge fan of lemon curd, although I don’t not like it… You know what I mean? Anyways, …

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Mini Pavlova with Strawberry Curd and Lemongrass-Infused Cream Recipe

Pavlova with lemongrass infused cream and strawberry curd.

This mini pavlova recipe features crispy, delicate meringue shells topped with luscious strawberry curd and a refreshing lemongrass-infused whipped cream. The meringue shells are baked until crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, creating the perfect base for the tart and creamy toppings. The homemade strawberry curd is made with fresh strawberries and …

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Japanese Rusk- Crispy Sweet Toast

Japanese Rusk- Crispy Sweet Toast

Okay, I kind of struggled to name this post because… Crispy sweet toast?! But that’s basically what it is. A popular Japanese snack where a baguette or other type (usually french) of bread is thinly sliced and twice baked with a topping of sugar, butter, and perhaps some fancy fruity flavor. Today I made a …

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